by Rex Burress


For fish and birds I make this plea
(For fish and game I make this plea),
May they be here long after me.
May those who follow hear the call
Of the wild goose in spring and fall.
And may they share the joy that's mine
When there's a bass upon my line.

I found the world a wondrous place,
A cold wind blowing in my face,
Has brought the wild ducks in from the sea;
God grant the day shall never be
When youth upon November's shore
Shall see the Mallards come no more!

I found the world a garden spot.
God grant the desolating shot
And barbed hook shall not destroy
Some future generation's joy!
Too barren were the earth for words
If gone were all the fish and birds.

Fancy an age that sees no more
The Mallards winging into shore;
Fancy a youth with all his dreams
That finds no fish within the streams.
Our world with life is wondrous fair,
God grant we do not strip it bare!


 © 1999 Rex Burress
Revised, December l999